'please subscribe to my channel :) http://bit.ly/carlibel55 we\'re SO close to 5 million muffins!!!!! check out my blog for more pictures from last week! http://www.thebeautybybel.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hello my love bugs!!! what a longggg but amazing week!! i had so much fun celebrating my birthday this year! it was non stop fun all week :) first we had my family dinner that my momma planned, my actual birthday and then my night out with my friends! i am so unbelievably blessed for all the amazing people in my life. thank you guy so much for all your amazing birthday wishes!! you all mean the world to me. i hope you guys enjoy this vlog from last week! love you muffins. xoxo carli CAR: Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT MY VLOG CAMERA: http://bit.ly/2EGj4My 10/15 outfit details: bodysuit: http://bit.ly/2dZbdC2 pants: http://bit.ly/2dZ9Zqm boots: http://bit.ly/2dZaiBp top in other color: http://bit.ly/2eiP3ek cake; @ladyksbakeshop my amazing talented friend kayla turned my palette into a cake!!! 10/17 outfit details *outfit #1 jean jacket: http://bit.ly/2dMowzs green 2 piece: naked wardrobe Sneakers; nike air max *outfit #2 top: http://bit.ly/2eiJDzO pants: http://bit.ly/2eiMPLI jacket: http://bit.ly/2euzATE sneakers: http://bit.ly/2eiJiNE sunnies: http://bit.ly/2cgQdWv necklace: modilo 10/20 outfit details: two piece dress; @kaygraciela jean jacket 10% off code; carlibybel http://bit.ly/2fhBCda spray tan from my mooie poo @glowbynicole lashes: http://amzn.to/2dMpNa0 earrings 25% off code: carlixoxo http://bit.ly/2eO7EuJ 10/22 outfit details; marble sweatshirt http://rstyle.me/cz-n/b4etawvt2e vegan sushi!!! I get an asparagus cumber and scallion doll, avocado doll & sweet potato roll. meatless chicken nuggets http://www.wegmans.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?productId=753608&storeId=10052&langId=-1 TRY THEM :) save a chicken! The gardein ones are amazing too! *CARLI BYBEL PALETTE: http://bit.ly/CARLIBYBEL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SEND ME LETTERS!! BEAUTY BY CARLI BYBEL 450 SHREWSBURY PLAZA #303 SHREWSBURY, NJ 07702 Follow me on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/CarliBel http://www.instagram.com/TheFashionBybel - My Fashion Page for OOTD Follow me on SNAPCHAT! CarliPenguin5 Come check out my beauty page for quotes & love! http://www.facebook.com/beautybycarli Disclaimer: this video is not sponsored. Some links may be affiliate links XOX'
Tags: fashion , Party , kylie jenner , Jaclyn Hill , vlog , kim kardashian , birthday , follow me around , birthday party , power of makeup , carli bybel , contour and highlight , carlibel , bybel , birthday makeup , Nicole Guerriero , carlibybel , carlibel55 , Surprise Party , carli bybel birthday
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